Programming HVLS Fans With Digital Fan Controllers – Hunter Industrial

Programming HVLS Fans With Digital Fan Controllers

Programming HVLS Fans With Digital Fan Controllers

Installing a high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) ceiling fan is a straightforward process, but can be daunting until you’ve done it once or twice. With the proper instructions, you can install your fan and have it cool down your space in no time. In this article, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to install an industrial ceiling fan in your space, covering everything from choosing the right location to installing the digital controller. By following these instructions, you can ensure successful HVLS fan installation and enjoy the benefits of an HVLS ceiling fan for years to come.

Fan Airflow Controlled Digitally

Digital fan controllers have revolutionized how industrial HVLS ceiling fans are programmed and controlled. With digital fan controllers, it's possible to program complex fan schedules, adjust fan speeds remotely and monitor fan airflow in real time. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of programming HVLS fans with digital fan controllers, explain how they work and provide tips for optimizing fan performance and energy efficiency.

Programming HVLS Fans Made Easy

You have better things to do than fuss over the performance of your high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) industrial fans. With the help of network-capable digital fan controls, you can manage many of the functions that used to require constant monitoring. Thanks to modern advances in digital fan controllers, you can set up your industrial fans and let them handle your air flow efficiently.



The Features You Want in Energy-Efficient Fans

Once you install industrial fans, adding digital fan controllers is a matter of "plug and play" connectivity. You'll then be able to control all the necessary functions of your HVLS energy-efficient fans from your controller. Depending on the size and type of system you choose, you'll be able to manage a single fan or a zone containing up to 30 fans.

Network Capability

Whether you're in charge of a factory that runs 24/7 or you oversee a distribution center that operates from 9-5, you can program industrial fans to be on the job when they're needed and not a minute more. Setting a schedule will be determined by several factors, including the climate, when large machinery is running and when workers are present. Keeping to a schedule ensures you get your money's worth from these energy-efficient fans.

Scheduled Run Times

Today's digital fan controllers are usually managed over an ethernet-based network. In a typical set-up, the digital fan controller is connected to an Ethernet switch, which is then connected to a central control system, such as a building automation system. The central control system can then send commands to the digital fan controller over the Ethernet connection, such as setting the fan speed or turning the fan on and off.

Speed Control

Using digital fan controllers to manage speed allows for more precise control over air movement, creating a more comfortable environment by reducing hot spots and cold drafts. Controlling the speed also optimizes the energy efficiency of your HVLS fan, resulting in significant energy savings.. Finally, reducing the fan speed when less air movement is needed reduces the wear and tear and extends the life of your HVLS fans.

Directional Control

The directional control feature on digital fan controllers allows the fan to rotate in the opposite direction. This feature can provide several benefits to airflow control, including:

  • Improved Air Circulation: By reversing the fan's direction, it can draw air from different parts of the room and distribute it more evenly, helping to enhance the quality of the air.
  • Energy Savings: Depending on the climate and the orientation of the building, reversing the direction of the fan can improve energy efficiency. For example, in the winter, reversing the direction of the fan helps push warm air down from the ceiling, reducing energy usage.
  • Improved Comfort: Reversing the fan’s direction in the colder months helps to redistribute heat, creating a more comfortable, even environment for employees and guests.


Digital fan controllers perform troubleshooting in several ways, reducing downtime and maintenance costs and ensuring that the fan is operating at peak performance. Here are some examples of the troubleshooting functions digital fan controllers provide:

  • Error Codes: Many digital fan controllers are programmed to generate error codes when there is a problem with the fan or the controller itself. These error codes can be displayed on the controller itself or communicated to a central control system via an Ethernet connection. The error codes provide valuable information on the nature of the problem, allowing technicians to diagnose and fix the issue quickly.
  • Remote Monitoring: Digital fan controllers that are connected to a central control system via an Ethernet connection can be remotely monitored for any issues. If a problem is detected, the central control system can alert maintenance personnel, allowing them to respond quickly.

Choosing the Best Controls for Large Industrial Fans

When you've invested in large industrial fans for your building, you want to ensure the controls that operate them make the most of your fans' capabilities. The size of your HVLS fan system and the complexity of your set-up will determine which digital fan controller is best.

  • Small System: For buildings with 10 HVLS fans or fewer, choose a device like Hunter Industrial's 350 Series HVLS fan controller. It's got a simple, intuitive user interface for essential fan control and on-screen notifications – plus, it's easy to install.
  • Larger System: The 500 Series HVLS fan controller from Hunter Industrial orchestrates the operation of up to 30 fans. Programming HVLS fans is easy – you can schedule and create zones in a flash. Plus, the display fault information takes the sting out of troubleshooting.
  • Seasonal System: Hunter's 700E Fan Network Controller manages up to 30 fans using a combination of humidity and temperature sensors to ensure you get the most from your HVLS fans, come summer or winter. A touch of the button makes the switch from one season to the next.
  • Connect the motor cable from the fan to the VFD, being careful to align the pins within the connector before performing a clockwise twist to lock it in place.
  • Ensure the designated power over ethernet VFD is the lead drive.
  • Connect the ethernet communication cable to port Com 1.
  • Run the other side of the communication cable to the HMI.
  • Plug the VFD power whip into the appropriate power receptacle and twist clockwise to lock.

Frequently Asked Questions About Programming HVLS Fans

The following are some commonly asked questions about programming HVLS fans. Please reach out with any other concerns you may have.

Digital controllers for HVLS fans are designed to be user-friendly, and programming the fan is a simple process that most users can easily do.

HVLS fans move large volumes of air at a low velocity. They have a diameter of between 7 and 24 feet and operate at speeds ranging from 10 to 150 revolutions per minute (RPM). The blades of an HVLS fan are designed to create a column of air that moves vertically down from the fan and then spreads out horizontally across the floor. This effectively circulates air throughout a large space.

Setting up HVLS fans can be done successfully with proper preparation, attention to detail and following the manufacturer's instructions. It's important to consult with a professional installer or the fan manufacturer if you're not experienced in HVLS fan installation.


Hunter Digital Fan Controllers Make Programming HVLS Fans a Breeze

From 1886 to the present, Hunter has never stopped innovating. The company that invented the first ceiling fan is now proud to present HVLS fans – and digital fan controllers – that moderate the airflow in modern industrial facilities. Check out our Industrial Fans Collection Page and discover how Hunter can provide you with healthy, comfortable and economical solutions to improve the airflow in your facility.

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