Guide to Cooling a Warehouse in the Summer – Hunter Industrial

Guide to Cooling a Warehouse in the Summer

Guide to Cooling a Warehouse in the Summer


How to Make Your Warehouse Less Hot

Summer is right around the corner, and, in many areas of the country, temperatures are starting to rise! The last couple of years have seen some of the hottest summers on record, and there is no reason to think this year will be any different. For your employees, rising warehouse temperatures means discomfort, decreased output, and, worst of all, hazardous working conditions. If you are looking for large warehouse cooling options, read on!

Ideal Warehouse Temperature

According to OSHA, the ideal workplace temperature range is between 68- 78°F. If the temperature rises above 78°F, strenuous work (like what your employees are tasked with) potentially becomes unsafe. And that is just for workers who have been properly acclimatized to hot working conditions. For unacclimatized workers, like those you hired in the last couple of weeks, even temperatures in the high 70’s carry a high risk of heat-related illness.

This is troubling news for warehouse owners, where the working environment is difficult to manage. Open dock doors, high ceilings, and industrial machinery all contribute to hot, humid working conditions. It is all too easy for your warehouse temperature to soar into the 80’s and 90’s, creating hazardous working conditions.

Summer Warehouse Cooling Guide

The good news is, there is hope! Cooling a warehouse without AC is possible. In this article, we will discuss practical ways to make your warehouse safe for workers all summer long. Not only will your employees be more comfortable and productive, but some of these options will generate year-round energy savings as well!


Remove the excess heat from your facility by airing out your workspace overnight. If you are in an area where the days are hot, but the nights are cool, take advantage of the fresh air by opening dock doors and windows wherever possible. This essentially re-sets your business, so the temperature is more pleasant the following morning. Installing screen doors and windows will help to eliminate pests and using air circulating fans (more on those later!) will speed up the process.

Of course, this option isn’t practical for all facilities, especially those that are not staffed overnight. But for many, warehouse ventilation will refresh your workspace.


Insulate your warehouse space wherever possible. Doors, walls, roofs… the more insulation, the better. This traps in cool air during the summer and makes it more difficult for the hot outside air to penetrate into your space. This has the added benefit of making it easier to keep your warehouse warm in the winter.


This is a simple one, but incredibly important. Make sure your employees are drinking plenty of water! According to OSHA, when working in the heat, you should drink one cup of water every 15-20 minutes. Allow water breaks whenever possible, and make sure water is easily accessible for all employees. When it is going to be a hot day, encourage your employees to hydrate BEFORE work begins. Remember: by the time you feel thirsty, you are already behind in water consumption.

Commercial and Industrial Fans:

Portable Evaporative Coolers

Portable evaporative coolers are essentially mini air conditioners that you can move around your facility. The coolers work by pulling air through a wet medium, which acts to remove the heat, and then blowing the chilled air back out into your facility. These evaporative coolers can be small enough for one individual workstation, or large enough to cool an open industrial space. The downside is that these large units are expensive, inefficient and, if not maintained properly, could clog and create unpleasant odors.

Learn More: Warehouse Cooling

HVLS Ceiling Fans

Large diameter industrial cooling fans are one of the most practical and efficient warehouse cooling solutions. These warehouse ceiling fans are known as High-Volume, Low-Speed (HVLS) fans, and they are engineered to move a lot of air throughout your workspace. Now, technically speaking, these fans don’t lower the temperature of your warehouse. However, what these fans can do, like our 120" ceiling fans, is generate a cooling effect, which makes your employees feel like it is up to 10°F cooler! HVLS ceiling fans cost just pennies an hour to operate and generate energy savings all year long.

Air Circulators

Industrial air circulators are warehouse cooling fans that deliver powerful, reliable airflow wherever you need it most in your warehouse. Whereas HVLS fans move air all throughout your facility, industrial air circulating fans are crafted to provide a cooling effect in a specific area or workspace. Many businesses use HVLS fans and air circulating fans in tandem to cool a warehouse without AC.

Ask the Experts

Our final recommendation is to consult with the experts. Hunter Industrial & Commercial will work with you to find the warehouse cooling solution that best meets your needs. With a wide range of HVLS ceiling fans and industrial air circulators, Hunter will get the air flowing in no time!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best temperature for a warehouse?

The ideal working temperature for a warehouse in the summertime is between 68-78°F.

Can HVLS fans be used in the winter?

Yes. HVLS ceiling fans redistribute the hot air trapped at the ceiling, creating a more comfortable environment during the colder months.

Are there OSHA requirements for warehouse temperature?

OSHA does not have a specific required temperature for warehouses. However, they do require that your workspace remains “free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm." Their suggested temperature range is between 68- 78°F.

What is Destratification?

When it comes to industrial ceiling fans, destratification refers to the mixing of layers of air within a space. Industrial ceiling fans create a more even environment by redistributing the layers of air in a facility.