How Livestock Fans Keep Your Cattle Cool - Hunter Industrial

The months are getting warmer and this means heat stress among cattle is increasing. Heat stress can do serious damage to cattle including increased dehydration, decreased feed intake, decreased milk production, and other lasting health problems. Experts estimate heat stress causes $5 to $6 billion in lost milk production and decreased animal performance in the United States each year.

Holstein Dairy Cow Under HVLS Fan

Compared to other mammals, dairy cows are the most likely to fall victim to heat stress due to fermentation in the rumen. Likewise, cattle that spend more time in a confined area versus roaming pastures will also be more susceptible to heat stress and dehydration. Pastured cattle have a larger opportunity to seek shade, water supplies, and create air movement to cool themselves.

One of the best and most efficient ways to keep your cattle cool during the summer and reduce the effects of heat stress, is to place HVLS fans throughout your farm. Many farmers default to traditional low velocity, high speed fans which in return dramatically increases the electricity bill. (One HVLS replaces the equivalent of multiple small fans.) In addition, low velocity fans only mobilize air within a few feet from the fan resulting in limited cooling and often increased heat caused from cattle huddling together near the fans.

Why your livestock need HVLS fans.

Air movement affects both convective and evaporative heat losses, making it a vital factor in preventing heat stress. To keep your budget low and your livestock cool, HVLS is the way to go. HVLS fans distribute large amounts of air at a lower rotation speed resulting in the ability to keep your barn feeling cool. Cattle-wise, this will help avoid heat stress, maintain ideal milk production, and even keep bugs and birds from flooding the facility.

Budget-wise, HVLS fans will greatly cut down on air maintenance only costing pennies a day to run. Keep in mind: without proper air movement cattle can fall prey to heat stress, and dehydration resulting in increased hydration costs and potential loss of life. (That's worth much more than a few pennies!)

We make quality fans.

This isn't our first rodeo.

John Hunter
Dairy cows staying cool
Pleasant Hill Dairy, L.P. in Mount Vernon, Texas, installed 14 Hunter Industrial 14-foot Titan HVLS fans in their facility, replacing 60 box fans that were driving up electric bills and not cooling the cows.

“I was impressed by the few parts needed to put Hunter’s fans together, and I’ve been even more pleased by how low maintenance the fans have been since installation,” said Sjouke Plantinga, “The fans’ direct drive motor also ensures no oil leaks down on the cows, which is a major issue with fans using more traditional motors.”

By using Hunter’s HVLS fans in his barn as opposed to the 60 box fans Plantinga estimates his electricity bill has been cut by close to 80 percent. “The efficiency and low wattage of Hunter’s fans has been a huge cost saver for me,” said Mr. Plantinga. “I hope to be able to work with Hunter for additional barn needs in the future.”[

Beyond keeping cattle cool in the warmer months HVLS fans can even be used in winter months. When it gets cold, your HVLS fan will be capable of pushing the warmer air down to the cattle’s level creating an even pool of air temperature in the facility.

LIvestock fans keeping dairy cows cool

Comfortable cows equal productive cows, and if you are in the cattle industry you’ll realize that an HVLS is a must for moving air, keeping your cows cool, and saving money in the long run. Contact us for more information about how one of our HVLS fans, barn ceiling fans, or horse barn ceiling fans can help keep your barn and cattle cool and productive.